Kapi'Olani Medical Center
The Kapi'Olani Medical Center for Women and Children is located on a small piece of land in one of the busiest ares of Honolulu, Hawaii, and is an excellent example of Steel Encounters' capabilities.
The original hospital was constructed in 1978; In early 2014, Steel Encounters began the 200,000 square foot expansion. Due to the critical services provided by the hospital, it remained operable during construction.
Despite being in close proximity to the interstate and other structures, and major challenges with weather, labor, and material transport, our team eloquently and safely delivered the hospital tower in June of 2016.
Other examples of our work in the area include the Walgreen's Flagship Store and AE'O Tower.
Services: Impact Rated Curtain Wall, Storefront Glazing, Architectural Metal Panel, Weather Barrier, Phenolic Resin, Wood Panel
Design / Construction Team:
HDR Architects / Layton Construction / DCK Pacific